Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A Purpose for All Things and In All Things Purpose

Where there is life there lay a purpose be it dormant or not, known or unbeknown.

The Samurai believe in perfection in all that they do, with purpose. Whilst there is breath there is life and purpose.

The will of man fights for every breath involuntarily until deciding upon the "right" time to die.  Until that point in time we pursue a life whether on purpose or oblivious to the needs of those around us but certainly purposeful. It seems unjust and unfortunate that in most cases in these scenarios tis not until the last breath or senseless taking of life that such purpose ie affect of one on another or others lives is appreciated.  In "living" we can not but affect all things around us.

And so with that in mind we must move our knowledge, our consciousness and our spirit to that place that enables us to feel the release of burdens (through that now known knowledge) that weigh upon us throughout our journey on this planet during these times.

There is scripture that places our focus on the knowledge and contentment in knowing a bigger picture or greater purpose lay ahead of our humanly sight and it is in this we must rely upon in times of distress, trauma and unforeseen troubles.

And although it is not the purpose of love to endure hatred it is in fact purposeful to know the experiences to appreciate the difference in order to attain that to which one strives or desires.

This then takes us to appreciation of the moment in the moment of the experience, the purpose for that which has occurred. 

We can of course curtail our path but to most this liberty seems veiled and the road therefore for many winds up long and rugged.

Either way the road will surely come to an end and again all things shall pass but not without purpose.

You ask me the meaning of death of youth suicide and I ask you the meaning of their life that was taken away?

and I say to you "Are you the parent who should ask?"

and you say to me who am I to question and I say "unrequited love lay at the foot of the doorstep leading to healing."

And I beg that one should allow falsehood and ego to fall away for they are the things that curse us but if they should not then there is a purpose. But if they should fall then many lives will be spared the rod of loneliness and suffering. Yet if one should bestow these attributes then to another they will humble through their actions - the effect of the cause.

And in life's experiences I must humble myself to the learnings and yet similtaneously not allow this world to weather me that I may fall down not wanting to rise. For it is in the rising that we gain our strength and find our purpose, that which serves the greater humanity.

Yes most certainly a purpose for all things, in all things.

And although I still find myself reluctant at times to be thankful, I am in heart, truly thankful for I know that with that inner knowing I am following a life on purpose enlightened and that cannot but affect others in a most positive way.

Remembering we are living a human existence enables the spirit to accept and acknowledge our frailties as being human perfection. In this we should surrender to our God, our path, our love and hearts desires for only he places these things within us with the knowledge of our ability to attain such things. And he enables us with free will but of sound mind to educate ourselves in order that we may choose. He writes in many languages that we may hear from some source his word, direction and calling.

Blessed are those that have had the fortitude of diversity and adversity for they are the people who can make change.

These people are usually not the beaurocrats but the peasants.

And yet all things lay subject to a domino effect and so too is the status of man.

Lest we should take up the reigns of our appointment no matter socio economic status, creed, colour or race and forge change through the eye of our experience for this is our purpose.

Lest we should hold dear the pains that will drive us to action transforming such energy which once speered us so that such pain creates rebirth of the contra karma.

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